
  • Saimir Shatku Sports University of Tirana Author
  • Alessandra Rossi Turin University, Italy Author


freedom of movement, employee, European Union, jurisprudence of CJEU, Sports Contract of Labour.


This paper makes a detailed and thorough analysis at the doctrine of free movement of labor in the EU. Within this development are anlysed all legal acts, which regulate the free movement of workers in the EU, their employment in all Member States, mutual recognition of qualifications and the removal of any barriers based on discrimination because of nationality. The importance of the philosophy of freedom of movement in the process of realization of the EU common market is essential. So, one of the most important projects of the European Union, such as the EU Common Market in no way would have been realized, without removing national barriers between member states, creating opportunities for the workforce to be employed in each Member State, to be established freely anywhere within the territory of the EU, to launch a economic venture (start up), to be educated anywhere with the same costs as nationals of the host country, and all other privileges of being an European citizen. Also, the analysis of legal acts is complemented by the elaboration of the cases by the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the EU, to understand how are protected in practice. It takes a special significance this days when Albania is a candidate country for EU membership and when the membership along with meeting other conditions, requires greater cooperation at the regional level and a kind of "imitation" of the European area, to countries of the region that are not yet part of the EU. In this paper we have treated also the sports contract of labor as a novelty in Albanian legislation. With the economic development the world of sport has and the extraordinary social impact of it, regulation of legal relations in the world 
of sports and in particular working relationships between clubs and athletes, takes a great importance. The first step in this direction is the consolidation of practice and rigorous implementation of the rules dealing with the conclusion of sports contracts of labor. In Albania this is a less elaborated area, in need for a more serious adjustment and the consolidation of practice.

